About me


Timothy Hughes

I am an experienced international problem solver and leader. In nearly a decade with large international law firms, I represented clients in more than thirty institutional and ad hoc arbitrations, court disputes, and cross-border regulatory investigations.

I have experience in a wide range of commercial and public law disputes. My industry experience includes matters concerning public international law, oil & gas, renewable energy, infrastructure, shareholder and joint venture disputes, luxury hotels and hospitality, and pharmaceuticals. I am licensed to practice law in the US States of California and New York, as well as the Canadian province of Alberta.

Public service is one of my core values, and I take seriously the obligation of lawyers to provide services to members of our communities who are in need. My pro bono practice has included representations of LGBTQ+ asylum seekers, unhoused families seeking shelter, and migrant workers in Hong Kong. I volunteer my services with legal advice clinics organized by Calgary Legal Guidance.

My work and perspective is global, having lived and worked out of Washington, DC, New York City, Hong Kong, and Calgary.  I received my law degree from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. At Berkeley, I was a student of and research assistant to the late Professor David D. Caron, whose passion for international law and profound personal generosity I endeavour to emulate and pay forward.

Credentials are important, but are just one dimension of a human being. Beyond the classroom and the courtroom, I've learned to take calculated risks from road cycling and backcountry skiing. I've learned about patience and wonder from parenting small children. I've learned about vulnerability from stepping away from safe professional spaces. These life experiences, as much as my training and education, shape my approach as an advocate, advisor, and arbitrator.