Public International Law

  • The Government of Malaysia in the Railway Land Arbitration (PCA CASE Nº 2012-01), a billion-dollar treaty dispute with Singapore

  • A confidential mining client in an UNCITRAL arbitration against an African state

  • A US gold mining company in ICSID arbitration under the CAFTA-DR against El Salvador

  • A Canadian natural resources company in arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty (UNCITRAL Rules) against Mongolia

  • An oil exploration company in relation to tax matters arising from investments in oil & gas deposits offshore West Africa

Commercial arbitration

  • A leading PRC state-owned enterprise in a multi-billion dollar SIAC arbitration relating to an oil & gas joint venture in the North Sea, including commercial fraud claims

  • A leading hotel management company in an ICC arbitration relating to the termination of contracts to manage a luxury hotel in Dubai

  • A leading hotel management company in multiple ICC arbitrations arising out of the closure of a luxury hotel in Lebanon, including related litigation in France and the United States

  • A Spanish construction major in an ICC arbitration in relation to the engineering, procurement and construction of a concentrating solar power plant

  • A Japanese pharmaceutical company in an ICC arbitration concerning product licensing and commercialization

  • A PRC oil company in multiple HKIAC arbitrations to compel the completion of a US$ 350 million acquisition of petrochemical facilities in China

  • A PRC natural resources company in a CIETAC arbitration relating to a coalbed methane extraction project

  • A CIS airline in an ICDR arbitration relating to contracts for the procurement and installation of commercial aircraft interior componentsA leading hotel management company in multiple ICC references in connection with luxury hotels in Dubai and Lebanon

Litigation and regulatory investigations

  • A Japanese electronics manufacturer in a multi-jurisdictional competition law investigation (USA, Canada, Japan, EU)

  • US victims of terrorism before the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission seeking damages for injuries suffered in Libyan-sponsored acts of terrorism

  • A leading telecommunications company in litigation to recover against an LCD screen price-fixing cartel 

  • An oil exploration company in an investigation under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act concerning allegations of bribery in West Africa

  • A global oil major in federal litigation (S.D.N.Y.) concerning crude oil quality

Pro Bono

  • A leading human rights organization to develop policy regarding modern slavery and human trafficking

  • Migrant workers in Hong Kong to assert tort and employment claims

  • Trial skills training to law students in Yangon, Burma

  • An LGBTQ advocate from Bosnia in asylum application in the DC area

  • A homeless DC family challenging denial of shelter in freezing conditions

  • Residents of the DC area in numerous employment-related claims, as a Public Interest Fellow of the DC Employment Justice Center

  • San Francisco Bay-area residents living with HIV in public benefits, health care, and end-of-life matters (East Bay Community Law Center clinic student)